Writer, Filmmaker
Dreams of War, my debut novel, is out
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Dreams of War, my debut novel, is out

Cover by Charuka H.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

This fantasy series started as an idea that popped in my head in 2015 or so, and I officially started writing the first book in early 2020. The pandemic delayed it numerous times, but I remained determined to complete it and self-publish it one day. To quote Winston Churchill, “If you’re going through hell, keep going“.

This ambitious project marks the beginning of my writing career. DOW incorporates several ideas and story concepts I’ve head in mind for years if not decades. One thing I realized is how underutilized the historical fantasy genre is, and is there a better way to explore that subgenre than giving Napoleon a dragon? However, this novel begins decades after his wars of conquest.

Set in 1854, the story follows Daniel Bonaparte, the young son of Emperor Napoleon III. The concerns of an expansionist Russia taking over the decaying Ottoman Empire have led the British and French governments to put aside their differences and declare war against the Czar. The seventeen-year-old prince is ordered to join the war effort and he is joined by none other than the dragon who used to be Napoleon’s second-in-command. Can he help the allies and his protégé fight the largest army in the world, or is he still haunted by his bloody past?

Dreams of War is now available exclusively on Amazon.